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Discovering Edmonton’s Hidden Gems: A Guide to Sustainable Living

Living sustainably is becoming increasingly important in Edmonton. With growing concerns over climate change and the need to protect our environment, it’s important to adopt practices that promote sustainable living. In this article, we’ll explore the various hidden gems and eco-friendly lifestyle choices available in Edmonton that promote sustainable living.

Understanding Sustainable Living in Edmonton

Sustainable living refers to a lifestyle that reduces an individual’s environmental impact. It involves adopting practices that promote environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability. Sustainable living is important because it helps to preserve the environment for future generations and promotes a healthier lifestyle.

By adopting sustainable living practices, individuals can benefit both themselves and the environment. Sustainable living can lead to reduced energy consumption, lower utility bills, reduced carbon footprint, and improved health. In Edmonton, sustainable living is becoming increasingly popular, with more people adopting sustainable practices.

Hidden Gems in Edmonton for Sustainable Living

Edmonton has several hidden gems that promote sustainable living. These hidden gems offer a range of benefits, including reduced carbon footprint, improved health, and overall well-being. Here are some of the hidden gems in Edmonton that promote sustainable living:

1. Mill Creek Ravine Park

Mill Creek Ravine Park is one of Edmonton’s hidden gems. It’s a beautiful natural park that offers a range of recreational activities, including hiking, biking, and picnicking. The park is also home to several species of wildlife, including birds and fish. By visiting Mill Creek Ravine Park, you can enjoy the benefits of nature while reducing your carbon footprint.

2. River Valley Adventure Co.

Located in the heart of Edmonton, the River Valley Adventure Co. offers a range of eco-friendly activities, including canoeing, kayaking, and paddleboarding. By choosing eco-friendly activities, you can reduce your carbon footprint and promote sustainable living.

3. Little Brick Cafe and General Store

The Little Brick Cafe and General Store is a hidden gem in Edmonton that promotes sustainable living. The cafe serves organic, locally-sourced food and uses eco-friendly practices, such as composting and recycling. By supporting businesses that promote sustainable living, you can contribute to a healthier environment.

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Edmonton

Edmonton offers several eco-friendly lifestyle choices that promote sustainable living. By adopting these lifestyle choices, you can reduce your carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability. Here are some eco-friendly lifestyle choices available in Edmonton:

1. Biking instead of Driving

Edmonton has an extensive network of bike trails and lanes, making it easy to bike instead of drive. By biking instead of driving, you can reduce your carbon footprint and promote sustainable living.

2. Composting

Composting is a great way to reduce waste and promote sustainable living. Edmonton offers several composting programs, making it easy to compost at home.

3. Shopping Locally

Shopping locally is a great way to support businesses that promote sustainable living. By shopping locally, you can reduce your carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability.


Sustainable living is becoming increasingly important in Edmonton. By adopting sustainable practices and supporting businesses that promote sustainable living, we can contribute to a healthier environment and promote a sustainable future. So, let’s explore the hidden gems in Edmonton and adopt eco-friendly lifestyle choices to promote sustainable living!

Join us in our commitment to sustainable living. Contact Infinite Realty Service today to learn more about how we are promoting sustainable living in Edmonton.

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