Onboarding Information
The following information is provided to help you make an informed decision about using Infinite Realty, a leading real estate brokerage, to access the MLS and 3rd party platforms to advertise your property listings.
Unlimited MLS+ Subscription
Infinite Realty will handle the processing and listing of an unlimited number of MLS listings through a Contract for Posting Without Representation. This means that the client is representing themselves through the selling / deal process.
Infinite Realty’s Unlimited MLS+ subscription allows clients to list commercial, residential, land, and income producing properties from a intuitive self service dashboard.
Due to regulations regarding posting without representation, Infinite Realty, as the real estate brokerage, cannot provide advice, guidance, or recommendations. We will also avoid any activities that might create an implied agency representation with the client under the Contract for Posting Without Representation.
As the registered client, you will be responsible for handling pricing, inquiries, showings, and negotiations, giving you full control over the sale or lease of your property.
It is Infinite Realty’s responsibility to act honestly, use reasonable care and skill, and ensure that all information they provide is correct, enabling clients to make informed decisions about selling and marketing their inventory in a timely fashion.
The subscription fee covers the listing side commission, while the buying side commission becomes the financial responsibility of the client.
If an unrepresented buyer purchases or leases the listed property, no commissions will be due.
*Please note that any attempt to avoid or evade paying commissions that are rightfully owed will result in an immediate termination of service, removal from the MLS, and may lead to legal action. This policy is in place to protect the trust in our brand, which greatly benefits our client’s listings.
Getting Started
1: Choose your payment terms and subscribe to the Unlimited MLS plan. Your account will be created at checkout.
2: Complete and submit the required onboarding documents and schedule a review call to complete the onboarding process.
3: Sign in to the builder dashboard and submit your listing information and required documents.
4: Once signed by the Broker, your listing will be uploaded within 48 hours based on the information you provided in the online input form.
Our subscription pricing is per-company, per-region. For example, if a parent company has multiple brands in its portfolio in multiple regions, a subscription is needed for each brand in each region.
Each region is considered an individual business unit under our terms of service. *Regions are defined by MLS board boundaries.
MLS Rules & Regulations
- The client must keep listing data accurate and up to date on the MLS regarding: reductions, expiry dates, addendums, possession date, construction phase, photographs, reporting pending deal or sold deals.
- Any changes to MLS data reflected on the MLS highlight sheet must be in writing, signed by the client, and the real estate brokerage’s representative, and completed on a amendment contract.
- All listing amendments must be uploaded to the MLS database within 2 business days. If the Brokerage receives an amendment requesting changes to the listing later than the 2 business days, then the amendment will be rejected and sent back to the Client (Builder) for correction.
- In the Contract for Posting Without Representation, the brokerage remuneration is compensated in Clause 5(a): Brokerage Remuneration as: Flat Subscription Fee plus GST
- Subscription payment for the Mere Posting Listing Service is not associated with any individual transaction address. The subscription offers unlimited access to upload mere posting listings to the MLS for the duration of the subscription.
Welcome! We are looking forward to working with you.